The proper way to help keep your Sea Ray’s interior components looking new 

How to clean Sunbrella boat canvas

Sea Ray’s canvas manufacturing partners at Sunbrella recommend cleaning your canvas at least once a month using the following procedure:

First, brush off any loose dirt then hose it down with water. Next, prepare a solution of water and mild soap such as Dawn or Woolite and use a soft-bristled brush to gently scrub the canvas. Let it sit for 15 minutes then hose off and let air dry.

For stubborn stains or removing mildew, take the canvas off the frame and prepare a solution of 1 cup of bleach, ¼ cup of mild soap and 1 gallon of water. Apply the solution to the canvas and gently scrub with a soft-bristled brush. Allow the mixture to soak into the fabric for 15 minutes before rinsing with water and air-drying.

After every few years of use, refresh the canvas with a retreating agent such as 303 Fabric Guard.

Cleaning Your Boat’s Upholstery

Morbern, the maker of Sea Ray vinyl upholstery recommends using warm water and mild soap followed by a clear water rinse for general cleaning.

For more problematic stains, use vinyl cleaners like Formula 409 All Purpose Cleaner and scrub with a medium-bristle brush and rinse with water. Using detergents for routine cleaning is not recommended. In addition, many household cleaners and solvents can remove plasticizers from vinyl and make it brittle.

For persistent stains, owners can use a 10% bleach/water solution mixed with a little detergent. Scrub with a sponge and rinse with water. For the toughest-to-remove stains like grease and oil, a small amount of pure alcohol or mineral spirits rubbed in gently then rinsed with water can be employed sparingly.

Remember to spot test any new cleaning product in a place that isn’t visible during typical use. Morbern’s complete list of recommended marine vinyl cleaners is available on their website.    

Cleaning the Decks from Bow to Stern

The makers of Infinity woven vinyl flooring recommend tackling watery stains first by immediately blotting the stain with a clean towel, being careful not to spread it around.

Solid stains should be gently scraped with a blunt object like a dull knife, brushed with a medium-bristle brush then the residue should be sucked up with a hand vacuum. Semi-solid stains should be allowed to dry then aggressively scrubbed with a medium-bristle brush before vacuuming. Shoe marks should be rubbed with a dry, clean cloth.

For difficult stains, Infinity recommends spot cleaning with Clorox Clean-up, allowing the product to remain on the stain for up to 5 minutes then using a soft brush to scrub and finally blotting the stain with a sponge or rag. Regular cleaning should be done with hot soapy water followed by a rinse with water.

For those who have SeaDek, the manufacturer recommends a product called Dek Magic. For best results, spray it liberally on the area to be cleaned, scrub gently with a medium-bristle brush and let it sit 3-5 minutes. Then use water to dampen the area and lightly scrub once again before rinsing and drying with a clean towel. If Dek Magic isn’t available, SeaDek recommends the following products on page 2 of this link along with products to be avoided and general cleaning tips.

Using these pro tips for interior boat cleaning will help keep it looking factory-fresh.


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Options and features mentioned subject to change. Please confirm availability of all accessories and equipment with an authorized Sea Ray dealer.

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